Solar Panels Comparison: Types & Brands

Solar Panels Comparison: Types & Brands

Are you willing to install one of the best solar panels in your house? Now, is the absolute perfect time. Australia has some of the best types and brands in solar panels from the world are leading manufacturers. There are more than two million solar panel systems installed across Australia. Let’s have a quick look at different types and brands of solar panels.

Different Types: 

1. Monocrystalline: These solar cells are also known as single-crystalline cells. These cells appear black because of the light that interacts with the pure silicon crystal. Monocrystalline solar panels can convert around 15% – 21% of the solar energy into usable electricity. They appear perfectly rectangular. 

2. Polycrystalline: These solar cells are also known as multi-crystalline cells. They are less efficient but more affordable. During intense hot summers, polycrystalline cells tend to have lower heat tolerance, so they don’t work efficiently. The diamond-shaped outer coloring indicates high-purity silicon. 

3. Thin Film: These are produced in bulk at very cheap rates. However, they are the least ideal for any residential premises. Such less efficient panels are widely used for commercial and agricultural properties where there can be more space. The cells within these panels are 350 times thinner than the crystalline wafers. 

Diverse Brands: 

1. Sun Power Corp: It is the leading and best solar panel manufacturer in Australia. It falls in the Tier 1 manufacturing company list providing optimal performance, maximum savings and long term reliability. 

2. Tindo Solar: Tindo Solar designs and manufactures high quality and technologically advanced solar panels. It is owned and operated wholly in Australia. The most popular product of Tindo Solar sold in Australia is Tindo Karra 300W PERC monocrystalline solar panel. It fits more power into less space. 

3. Trina Solar: It is the leading provider of PV modules and smart energy solutions. It provides solar panels for residential and commercial premises in Australia and other countries. 

4. Risen Australia: Since 2008. Risen Australia is supplying solar PV panels for the retail market. As a company, they deal with 60 to 144 poly and mono fuel cells. And their solar cells have 25 years linear power guarantee.

So what are you waiting for? Pick up the most reliable brand and type for your household or commercial premises, call the installer and get the best and most efficient solar panel fixed in your premises right away. You won’t regret your decision ever!! 

Ever Power Solar is a top Australian solar company. We have been powering Australian homes with solar enabling them to make a swift shift to renewable energy. We have installed Solar panels in Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney, Perth, and Canberra. We are a CEC approved solar retailer and CEC certified installers and have an outstanding team of solar consultants.

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Published by everpowersolar

Ever Power Solar is a top Australian solar company. We have been powering Australian homes with solar enabling them to make a swift shift to renewable energy. We have installed Solar panels in Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney, Perth, and Canberra. We are a CEC approved solar retailer and CEC certified installers and have an outstanding team of solar consultants.

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